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The Day Centre


The Day Centre was opened in 1992 and was the idea of local GP Dr Gracie. Over the years, the board of Trustees (which have included other GP’s, ministers and councillors as well as retired district nurse and other members of the health service) have been well supported by experienced members of staff who are all qualified in many aspects of healthcare, social isolation and the various ailments that affect the elderly in our society


The centre is situated in the centre of Prestonpans and provides quality care and support to the people of our community. It is partially funded by East Lothian Council and by the community of Prestonpans.




Our clients are entertained from the minute they are picked up until they arrive home.

A small breakfast of Tea/Coffee with toast and/or biscuits await their arrival at the centre followed by a two course lunch (3 choices) and afternoon tea and cake/biscuits.


All our activities are client driven. Many of our activities are what you come to expect in Day Centre’s such as:-

  • Bingo

  • Arts and Crafts

  • Reminiscing and

  • A few outing’s


However, we here at Harlawhill believe that music is life, music is fun and music is joyful.

We love our music in many formats whether it is selecting songs from YouTube on our smart TV, having a sing-song, being serenaded by one of our care staff (who is a mezzo-soprano) or listening and joining in with the many live entertainers we have here at Harlawhill.

Those who can will get up and dance while those who cannot will sing along or tap their fingers and toes. Sometimes people come in off the street to see what all the noise is about.

Who said being old means you cannot have fun? Certainly not the Panners.




We provide a range of services for our clients which means that they do not need to miss a day at the centre to attend a local appointment. We have a quiet / treatment room which can be used by either the Doctor or District Nurse should they wish to see a client. We can also arrange for clients to receive appointments in the centre with the Optician, the Chiropodist and the Dentist as well as having a Hairdresser in three days a week for trims, perms or even a short back and sides




We are located in an old Co-operative shop building which we work very hard to make appealing to our clients as well as visitors. Our caring staff have picked up many handyman skills over the years.

As well as a large, bright airy lounge, there is a spacious dining room, working kitchen, quiet room and hairdressing facilities.



Clients are collected from their homes each morning and transported to the Day Centre. Our coach built bus has full wheelchair and walking aids access. A care escort is on the bus at all times.

The same service is provided for the return journey in the afternoon. At times, clients wish to self-travel to and from the centre and whilst this is their wish, we would always encourage using the centre’s bus as we feel that the journey is part of the experience.


The community of Prestonpans funded the majority of the cost of our existing bus which was bought new 13 years ago and we have just ordered a new bus for delivery in early 2017 which has been FULLY funded by the community of Prestonpans over a very busy fund raising three years.

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